A week ago I walked this sunflower field stripping leaves and cutting sunflowers to bundle into bouquets. (click on pics for full size view)
Three days and still counting of rain rain rain (please go away) has brought an end to that beautiful field of glory. Their heads hang down facing the earth instead of reaching for the sun, facing up to heaven.
I especially enjoyed this sunflower the last day I cut in the field. The bees have been more than plentiful this fall, sucking to their hearts content. Surprisingly, I was stung only twice this year, a small price to pay for the peace of walking through the beauty of a sunflower field, inspecting each one before cutting it, picking only the finest with their flowers still cupped slightly (this is how you should buy sunflowers they last longer in a vase) and of course I wanted perfectr petals on every one too.
As cold sets in, seemingly ahead of schedukle for my area, and rain falls constantly I will tuck this sunflower in my heart and carry it with me until once again the earth warms, and seeds are planted with hope of another harvest of these great masters of the flower world.
I am not one who willingly likes change. I've faced enough negative change in my life to last 4 lifetimes and all I seek any longer is to feel warm from the inside out, familiar contentment with my surroundings, and some sort of peace in my life that I can call my own, even if for only a few minutes each day.
Standing in a sunflower field that towers above me gives me simple pleasure.
Before this field is turned under all the large spent heads of sunflowers that remain standing will be picked, dried in the greenhouse on racks, their fluff removed to reveal the beauty of the seeds held tightly in place and they will provide food for the birds all winter long. Mother Nature doesn't give only beauty, she provides with purpose and frowns on waste.
Goodbye sunflowers, thank you for your gift of beauty and purpose this summer into fall.
There just isn't another plant that says "Smile" quite a much as a sunflower does. I love them.
PS - the new blog header is great!
Posted by: Darla | October 26, 2009 at 11:07 AM
I love the header of your blog, too. Sunflowers and zinnias say Carolyn! Rainy here, too, but we have lots of things indoors to putter with and then to the Gift and Food Show where our daughter and her friends are selling their decorated picture frames.
Posted by: Ardi | October 23, 2009 at 09:24 AM
Dear Carolyn,
I always think of you too when I see SUNFLOWERS!!!! Wishing you the warmth of the sun and crispness of the autumn air! Last year I went back to the store to buy sunflowers when you said that I should not just look at them and pass them by...they brightened my day for days!
Thank you,
Posted by: Leslie Garcia | October 20, 2009 at 08:50 PM
Dear Loretta,
I always think of you when I see SUNFLOWERS! Just Perfect! Wishing you warmth from the inside out!
Posted by: Leslie Garcia | October 20, 2009 at 08:47 PM
Thank you for the lovely field of sunflowers. Once again, my pack of seeds remained in the drawer instead of the ground. But somehow, a volunteer group sprung up in the bed late in the summer. I had no idea where they were from, but then I saw the same ones a block away. I wonder if the dogs brought home the seeds on their paws and planted them for me?
IN the rain and cold here as well, but forever summer in my heart and yours,
Posted by: Loretta | October 17, 2009 at 06:19 PM